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Kuroiler Chicken Farming in Uganda

Kuroilers were introduced into the country from India and due to their mixed nature they bring in a lot of money due to their ability to grow at a faster rate. After its introduction into the country, many small scale farmers started rearing them however due to their ability to reproduce at a faster rate, many farmers jumped on the bandwagon and now it is a household name among many farmers in the country and the market for poultry produce. It is also commonly referred to as the improved indigenous chicken and can easily be identified due to the white spots that cover their feathers. The kuroiler hens weigh an approximate weight of 2.5kgs whereas the roaster weighs about 3.5kgs.

kuroiler uganda poultry

Kuroiler chicken breeds are reared for both meat and egg production since it is a dual breed. Kuroilers are disease resistant and can lay up to 150 eggs per year as compared to the indigenous breeds that lay about 100 eggs per year. The good thing about rearing kuroilers is that they can easily grow while feeding on only kitchen waste products and agricultural products.  Some of the basic things that you need to know about the kuroiler are it is extremely poor at broodiness, has a single comb, lays brown eggs, feeds continuously and can tolerate any climatic weather. The price depends on the size of the kuroiler but it can go as low as shs45, 000 depending on where you have bought it from.

The advantages of growing kuroilers include the following

  • They have a high growth rate
  • Kuroilers have a cheaper production as compared to other poultry products
  • Kuroilers also weigh more than the normal chickens leading to a high competition on the poultry market
  • Kuroilers have an extremely high hatchability.
  • They can easily survive in harsh conditions and can easily look for their own food.

The disadvantages of kuroiler farming include the following:

  • There is one disadvantage of rearing broilers and this is the fact that the kuroiler hens do not hatch their own eggs and many farmers get to know this when it is too late. So in case you are into kuroiler farming, you will need to purchase an incubator to help with hatching the eggs.

kuroiler chicken uganda

Housing for the kuroilers

the poultry housing for kuroilers should be big enough and well aerated and it should also have enough security to keep the birds safe. The house should be cleaned regularly in order to avoid easy spread of diseases. The kuroiler house should also have litter on the floor but you need to make sure that you disinfect it and turn it over so that it dries and does not smell and bake.

kuroiler chicken farming

Feeding of Kuroilers in Uganda

kuroilers can easily scavenge for their own food but in case you want to use the intensive system for rearing then you will need to get a proper feeding system for the birds so that they grow up healthily Below are some of the ways in which you can feed the kuroilers if they are being reared using the intensive care system.

When purchasing feeds for the kuroilers, you need to make sure that you look at the expiry dates so that you do not buy feeds that are already spoiled. There are numerous brands of feed that are on the market and it is advisable that you buy from well-known suppliers in order for you to get genuine products.  There are two stages of feeds that you can use to feed the kuroilers and these are:

  • The stage one feeds is given to the young kuroilers that have just been hatched.
  • The chicks that are between 5 to 6 weeks are fed on grower feeds plus other supplementary feeds from the kitchen leftovers and greens.

Kuroiler feeds should have all the nutrients in a balanced state so that the birds get all the nutrients that they need to keep healthy. Some of the nutrients that should be included in the feeds include proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, fats and many more others.

  • Proteins: this is much needed for the birds to grow well and they can be got from both animal and plant sources. It is the most expensive nutrient but also the most essential one for the kuroilers.
  • Vitamins: the feeds should have vitamins B, vitamin D and vitamin A. All these help in the proper growth of the kuroilers and prevent rickets in the birds.
  • Fats: fats are also essential for the proper growth of the kuroilers but they should be mixed in proper portions so as to avoid too many fats since it might cause problems to the birds.
  • Carbohydrates: these are also essential for the birds and they should be included in the meals provided for the kuroilers. Carbohydrates can easily be obtained from both seeds and ground grains.

Kuroilers put on weight easily because they are vigorous in searching for food meaning that they are always continuously feeding the whole day. There is a ready market for both meat and eggs from kuroilers which means that you will get your maximum profits from rearing kuroilers.


If you are planning to start a poultry farm, then you should definitely consider getting Kuroiler chickens. Kuroiler chickens are a hybrid breed of chicken that is specifically designed for meat production. They are known for their high growth rate and excellent meat quality. In addition, Kuroiler chickens are also very resistant to disease and can tolerate hot climates very well.

There are many factors that you need to consider when starting a poultry farm, and choosing the right chicken breed is one of the most important decisions that you will make. There are many different chicken breeds out there, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. You need to carefully evaluate each option in order to decide which one is best suited for your particular operation.


Its very important to note that Kuroilers thrive very well on kitchen left overs, they basically eat it all. Its okay to include the commercial feeds if you lack the home wastes. At an early stage, Kuroilers between 1 and 7 weeks are often given the healthy snack of chicken mash. The 8th to 17 weeks follows the growers match after which the layers mash applies.

Feeders For Kroilers

To prevent feed wasting, high costs, and the spread of illness, a kuroiler farmer must ensure that the feeders can be easily cleaned and are maintained in a sanitary condition at all times.
The recommended amount of food for a broiler is 4cm in a long feeder and 2cm in a circular feeder.
A 14-centimeter-deep feeder is necessary or suggested, and it should be filled to no more than two-thirds capacity.

Drinkers For Kroilers

It is possible to employ either a manual or an automated chicken drinker.
The hens’ water supply in manual drinkers must be refilled by an individual, but in automatic drinkers, water is automatically replenished whenever the device is linked to a faucet or other water source.
They do not have to be regulated all the time.

Guarantee a constant supply of potable water.

Why Kroiler Chicken Farming Is Profitable?

The Kuroiler chicken is an excellent choice for any poultry farm due to its numerous advantages. If you want to learn more about this amazing chicken breed, then read on!

1. It is a very prolific layer Kuroiler chicken is a very prolific layer, meaning that it can lay a large number of eggs in a short period of time. This is especially beneficial for commercial poultry farms that need to produce a large number of eggs on a daily basis. One hen can lay between 140 to 150 eggs per year!

2. It is resistant to diseases Kuroiler chicken is also known for its resistance to diseases. This is extremely important for any poultry farm as it can help to reduce the number of sick birds and ultimately the cost of veterinary care.

3. Another advantage of Kuroiler chicken is its fast growth rate given their heavy feeding rate. This means that it will reach maturity quickly, which is ideal for any farm that wants to start producing eggs as soon as possible. Kuroilers start laying eggs are 5 months for a period of 2 years.

4. Kuroiler chicken is also a hardy bird, meaning that it can withstand a variety of different climates and conditions. This is important for any farm that is located in a region with a harsh climate.

5. The final advantage of Kuroiler chicken is its good feed conversion ratio. This means that it is able to convert its food into body mass efficiently, which is important for any farm that wants to produce healthy birds. Most of the birds will weight between 2.5 kgs to 3.5kgs.

Why Kroilers Are Good For Small Scale Farming

Kuroilers are useful for small-scale farming.
They require little in the way of upkeep and don’t necessitate extensive retail areas.
Since they mature at a smaller size, these hens are a great choice for a rural backyard or tiny plot of land.

They produce a lot of eggs, are a decent size for eating, and produce attractive, big eggs with healthy yolks, making them a wonderful choice.

Why Kroilers Are Good For Small Scale Farming

Kuroilers are useful for small-scale farming. They require little in the way of upkeep and don’t necessitate extensive retail areas.Since they mature at a smaller size, these hens are a great choice for a rural backyard or tiny plot of land. They produce a lot of eggs, are a decent size for eating, and produce attractive, big eggs with healthy yolks, making them a wonderful choice.

Kuroiler Chicken Vs Broiler Chicken

Kuroilers are produced for both their meat and their eggs, whereas broilers are solely used for their meat, therefore this is the most noticeable distinction between the two types of birds.
Kuroilers, in comparison to broilers, are smaller, grow more slowly, and produce less meat.

The average time it takes to raise a kuroiler to market is 16 weeks, while broilers take just approximately 6.
Kuroiler meat has a deeper color and more robust taste than broiler meat.
Kuroiler meat is a little more firm than broiler meat.
Kuroiler skin is also more robust than broiler skin.

turkey keeping in ugandaCategoriesPoultry

Turkey Farming In Uganda

Turkeys are the largest domestically raised birds in Uganda. You can rear turkeys for either meat or eggs however most of these birds are reared for the meat production. The feathers can be used in making jewellery like earrings and bracelets. Turkey meat helps in reducing insulin levels, it contains vitamin B which helps in fighting diseases and it also helps in boosting the immune system. Turkeys that are about 4months old can be bought between shs40, 000 and shs60, 000 whereas a mature one can be bought between shs 150, 000 to shs250, 000 or more depending on where you are buying it and the season.

turkey keeping in uganda

Rearing turkey methods

There are three methods that are used in rearing turkeys in Uganda and these include the following:

Deep litter system

This is where a poultry house is constructed for the turkeys. New layers of saw dust are added to the house in order to reduce the spread of diseases and everything from food to water are provided to the turkeys in their housing unit.

Free range system

This is the most commonly used type in Uganda especially by farmers that rear the birds on a small scale. They are left to fend for themselves during the day and then taken to the housing unit at night. The advantage of free range is that you reduce the cost of feeding but there is easy spread of diseases.

Backyard system

A fence is constructed in the backyard and this is where the turkeys are kept. It’s like the free range system however the only difference is that food and water is provided by the farmer unlike in the free range system.

Identify your target market: the demand for turkeys in Uganda is high especially in December as the largest population gears towards celebrating Christmas. They can however be sold throughout the year to restaurants and hotels and to other farmers who want to start turkey farming. Carry out extensive market research across the country and identify who will be able to buy your products. Besides the local market, you can as well export your turkey birds and their products to other countries like Kenya and Tanzania and earn big from turkey farming.

turkey in uganda

Identify the turkey breed

carry out extensive research about the breeds that are suitable for both meat and egg production and also learn more about how they should be taken care of. Turkeys in Uganda are classified into seven varieties and these are:

  • White Holland

  • Beltsville

  • Bronze

  • Bouron red

  • Black state.

Some of the things that you should put into consideration as you choose the turkey breed include the following:

  • The cost of the breed

  • Breeds that are more productive

  • Returns got from the breeds

It is also advisable that you purchase one day old turkeys because they are easy to care for and make sure that the female ones are less than the male ones.

Construction of Turkey house

you will need ample space in order to be able to construct an ample space for the turkeys. The house should have proper ventilation and be a little bit bigger than the chicken house due to their size. As you construct the turkey house, make sure that the young turkeys are separated from the old ones to avoid pecking especially during the day and make sure that the material that is used during construction is durable due to the ever changing weather experienced in the country.

Feeding turkeys

just like chicken, turkeys also feed on a wide range of feeds ranging from greens, kitchen waste and formulated feeds. These feeds should be rich in proteins, vitamins, minerals, fibre and energy giving feeds. Vitamins can be obtained from local green vegetation from the surrounding areas, especially the leaves. Energy feeds include millet, sorghum, broken maize and proteins include crushed bones, soya and meat.

Diseases affecting turkeys

this is one of the many challenges affecting poultry farmers rearing turkeys. The most common diseases affecting the birds include pneumonia, sleeping sickness and many more others. Once you realize that there is an infected bird, it is better to isolate it from the rest so as to minimize the spread of infections. Some of the common diseases that you should expect include:


The symptoms of Coccidiosis include yellowish diarrhoea and cough like signs in turkeys. This can be prevented through regular cleaning of the poultry house, use of coxidistat in meals and also disinfecting the birds. Drugs like sulphur and Vazurim are used in treating this ailment.

Turkey pox

This is one of the most common diseases in turkeys and the signs include spots on the areas of a turkey that do not have feathers like the head and legs. The best way to control its spread is by limiting the contact between humans and the birds and through vaccination of the birds using the pox vaccine.

Newcastle disease

This can be seen through respiratory sounds made by the birds, nasal discharges, greenish diarrhoea, uncoordinated movements and twisted necks. It can be prevented through vaccination and limiting contact between humans and the turkey birds.

Thoroughly clean the turkey house so that the birds are not infected easily and also make sure that they are not over crowded.

turkey farming in uganda

Problems faced with Rearing Turkeys in Uganda

  • Disease affecting the animals, most farmers especially those in the rural areas have no access to medicine leading to the loss of some birds.

  • Turkeys normally lay their eggs in the bush which makes it hard for farmers rearing them for eggs.

  • Reproduction for turkeys is a bit hard since they do not have the motherly touch which leads to death of some young turkeys since they are left to fend for themselves.

  • They are kept for the whole year until the festivities in December start.

There is a ready market for turkey both within and outside the country and if you want to reap big from them, you need to improve on the care management so that you do not make losses on the market scene.


Poultry Farming in Uganda

Poultry farming in Uganda is known to be both lucrative and risky business especially if you do not know how to manage the poultry farm. Poultry farming in the country is a great contribution to the economy because of the high demand of the products both within the country and outside. Commercial poultry farming is on the rise due to the high profits that are obtained from the chickens. Chickens need proper management in order for the business to prosper. Take care of the chickens from feeding, housing management and vaccination.

poultry farming ugandaStarting a poultry farm in Uganda is not very hard as long as you keep in mind the type of market that you are targeting, that is either the local or international market or both. The largest percentage of the farmers doing poultry in the country carry out on a very low scale but if you are planning on doing poultry on a commercial level, then you need to learn how to market the different poultry products to the available market. Poultry is carried out for mainly three purposes and these are poultry for eggs, poultry for breeding and poultry farming for meat production.

Poultry for meat production

different types of chicken breeds can be used for meat production in Uganda and the ones that are mostly reared in Uganda for the meat production include the broilers, kuroilers which have been recently introduced in the country and all the indigenous local breeds. The chicken reared for meat production is always ready at 8 to 12 weeks before they are ready.

Poultry for breeding production

some farmers rear the birds for breeding only and these are sold on the market after they mature.

Poultry for egg production

there are different chicken breeds that are reared for egg production and they can either be local breeds or layers. These are normally ready by 19 weeks and they can continue laying eggs till they are 78 weeks of age. Some of the breeds that are used for egg laying include the brown egg laying chicken (Lehman brown and gold brown) and these lay eggs with a brown outer shell, white egg laying chicken (Harvard white, Bovanch white and Isa white), these lay eggs with a white outer shell.

Poultry in Uganda is carried out using two methods and these are the inorganic and organic methods and these can both be used for commercial purposes. There is stiff competition between the inorganic and organic products from poultry although the organic products have a big and ready market since some people in the country are health conscious about the inorganic products.

poultry farmers

Chicken breeds in Uganda

There are numerous breeds that are found in Uganda but the mainly reared ones are the layers for egg production and the broilers for meat production. There are also various local breeds that you can rear and one of them is known as kuroilers. These are close to the indigenous ones and they are good for both meat and egg production. You will need to know what you really want out of your poultry farm in order to get the best breeds for your farm.

Chicken Feeds In Uganda

The chickens need to be fed with highly nutritious foods so that they grow healthy and have a high competition on the market scene. You need to have a good quality feed and feed formulation that the birds require so that you can get good meat and egg production. The birds will need the following to be included in their feeds.


these are extremely essential for poultry birds as it provides energy to the birds especially if they have been starved for some time. The carbohydrates can be found in the grain products that are given to the birds.


just like other animals chicken cannot live without water but can survive for a longer time without food, so make sure that the chickens have enough water all the time. Lack of enough water for the young chicks will hinder proper growth and it also leads to moulting in the egg laying chickens.


lack of vitamins leads to stunted growth from the young birds. The feeds should have vitamin B complex which helps in the growth of poultry chicks and to avoid curled toe paralysis. Make sure that you add adequate vitamin B in the food and it can be gotten from synthetic riboflavin, milk and greens. Vitamin A is also obtained from green feeds, fish ingredients and yellow corn. This protects the chicken birds from constant infections and colds. Vitamin D can be obtained from fish and synthetic products and it helps in preventing rickets and leg weaknesses in the chicken.


These can easily be obtained from other foods but you need to make sure that the fats mixed in the feeds is in a proper ratio to avoid complications in the birds for example if the fats are too much, the birds will get a digestive problem.


this is a much needed nutrient for all the birds irrelevant of what they are being kept for but it is also the most expensive. The proteins can be got from two sources and these are plant and animal proteins and they are essential in the proper growth of the birds and they also increase the hardness of the egg shells.

The poultry feeds have a lot of ingredients included in them so that they can make up the much needed nutrients and these include:

  • Concentrates and balancers

  • By products of grain

  • Barley and wheat

  • Skim butter, milk and Rye

  • Millet and corn

When purchasing poultry feeds you need to make sure that you do not buy outdated feeds and for the commercial feeds, you need to buy the brands that are common on the market. The feeds come in three stages and these are stage 1 and 2 starter feeds and the grower feeds. The starter feeds are given to chicks which have just been hatched and when they make two weeks, the starter feeds 2 are given to them. When the chickens are about five to six weeks old, they get started on the grower feed.

poultry farm uganda

Poultry Housing in Uganda

  • The poultry house should be waterproof and the inside should be able to keep the birds safe from the rain, hot sun and wind.

  • The poultry house should also be able to keep the birds safe from predators like snakes among others.

  • The temperature of the house for adult birds can be between 105 to 107 degrees Fahrenheit. You need to regulate the temperature in case it grows too cold or too hot.

  • It should be well ventilated.

  • Make sure that the feeders within the house are kept clean to avoid the spread of diseases and there should be proper management of litter.

In Uganda, poultry housing is an important aspect of chicken farming. There are many types of poultry housing available, ranging from simple chicken coops to more complex and expensive structures. The type of housing you choose will depend on the number of chickens you have, the climate in your area, and your budget.
One of the most important things to consider when choosing poultry housing is ventilation. Chickens produce a lot of waste products, such as ammonia, which can be harmful if not properly ventilated. Make sure that your poultry house has good ventilation to keep your chickens healthy and happy.
Another thing to consider is disease control. Your poultry house should be designed in a way that minimizes the risk of disease transmission between chickens. This may include using separate areas for different age groups of chickens or providing access to clean water and food at all times.
If you are planning to raise chickens for meat or eggs, then you will need to consider their needs as well. For example, meat birds need more space than egg-laying birds and will also need access to feeders and waterers that are designed for their larger body size. Egg-laying birds, on the other hand, need nesting boxes where they can lay their eggs in peace and comfort.
Whatever type of poultry housing you choose, make sure that it is well-built and designed for the specific needs of your chickens . Keep your chickens healthy and comfortable with a properly designed coop.

Poultry diseases

There are several bird diseases that attack chicken and some of these include egg bound and cannibalism. The major types include the following:

Malnutritious disease

This is caused due to bad feeding of the chicken and it causes them to be malnourished. There are two types of Malnutritious diseases and these are the vitamin deficiency diseases which are caused by lack of enough vitamins and mineral deficiency diseases which are caused by lack of minerals in the feeds.

Contagious diseases

These are spread from the infected diseases to the healthy ones. There are three types of contagious diseases and these include:

Fungus diseases: these include fevus, micotoxicosis, thrash and aspergillosis are poultry fungal diseases and they are all spread through fungus.

Viral diseases: these are caused by different viruses and they include duck plague, chicken pox, Newcastle disease and Gumboro.

Bacterial diseases: these are caused by bacteria and examples of poultry bacterial diseases include cholera and pullorum.

Parasitic diseases

These are caused by parasites and some of the chicken diseases that are caused by parasites include steptocakich, coccidiosis, worms, lice and colibacilosis among others.

poultry farming in uganda

Benefits Of Poultry Farming Business

Poultry farming is a lucrative business. It is a great way to earn additional income. Poultry farming can be done on a small or large scale. It requires less investment and space. Poultry farming can be done for commercial purposes or for personal consumption.
Poultry farming has many benefits. Some of the key benefits are listed below:
1. Poultry farming is a great way to earn additional income. With proper management, poultry farms can generate good profits.
2. Poultry farming requires less investment and space as compared to other livestock businesses such as cattle rearing and piggery.
3. Poultry products have a huge demand in the market due to their nutritional value and taste. This makes poultry farming a profitable business venture.
4. Poultry farms help in providing employment opportunities to rural unemployed youth . Moreover, women are also employed in poultry farms which help in their empowerment .
5. Poultry manure is an excellent organic fertilizer which helps in improving soil fertility . Consequently, this reduces the dependence on chemical fertilizers, which are expensive and harmful to the environment .
6. Commercial poultry farms help in bridging the gap between the demand and supply of chicken and eggs . They also provide quality meat and eggs at affordable prices to consumers .


Things To Consider When Starting A Poultry Farming Business in Uganda

Market Research
Find local retailers, restaurants, and markets that buy chicken products.Compare your competitors’ prices.

Create a detailed business plan
Use your study to establish your target market, production targets, financial estimates, and marketing tactics. Your business plan will guide you and help you get financing.

Choose poultry farming
Choose from intensive, free-range, organic, or pasture-based poultry farming. Choose the strategy that fits your aims, resources, and market.

You may require financing to start your poultry farming business, depending on its size. Consider loans, grants, and family investments.

Consider water, transportation, and zoning while choosing a poultry farm location.

Depending on your poultry farming strategy, you will need to build or buy a chicken house or shed to house your birds. Purchase feeders, waterers, and incubators to care for your chickens.
Start your flock with chicks or eggs. Buy disease-free chickens from a reliable provider.

Market your poultry products
Create a marketing plan. Consider direct sales, farmers’ markets, and retail or restaurant sales.

Frequently Asked Questions About Poultry Farming in Uganda

Is Poultry Farming Profitable?

The answer is yes, very many farmers have made lots of money from poultry farming, but you need to be equipped with knowledge that you will find in our pdf guide.

What problems face poultry farming in Uganda?

Its mainly disease outbreak that affects poultry farming. Proper hygiene is required for you to survive a disease outbreak in your area.

How much does it cost to start a poultry farm in Uganda?

For a small or medium sized farm you will need about 3,000,000 Uganda shillings to start. More information is provided in our pdf guide.

What is the Best Breed for Eggs in Uganda?

We reccommend Kuroiler chicken as the best breed. Remember it is gives you both the eggs and meat.

Will I Get Market For My Eggs?

The demand for eggs and poultry has been escalating since prices surged from roughly sh8000 a tray to over sh12,000 within the past three years. This spike is attributed to the South Sudanese market’s involvement in the industry. Despite this, chicken producers are having difficulty meeting customer needs. Consequently, this calls for more investors in the sector. Furthermore, making feed for chickens is challenging due to scarcity of raw materials such as maize bran, cottonseed and mukene (silver fish), leading to a rise in prices.
chicken farming ugandaCategoriesPoultry

Local chicken farming in Uganda

Local chicken farming in Uganda has become a popular activity due to the increased market for the products that are meat production and eggs. The local breeds in Uganda which are also known as village chickens are considered to be extremely organic as compared to the other breeds and that is why there is a high demand on the market for them.

Local chicken rearing is not for everyone because it needs a lot of patience and it can either bring you a lot of profits or losses but this depends on the extra care that you give to them. There are about four local breeds in Uganda and these are Sasso, Kuroiler, Rainbow rooster and Kari from Kenya. From way past, local chicken has been reared on a free range system but of late, there are methods that have been used to modernize the farming of local chicken.

chicken farming uganda

Methods of rearing local chicken

Free range system

Free range system is where the chicken is not put in an enclosed area with restrictions and they move around the area searching for their own food. There are simple structures that are set up for when they come back in the evening for the night.

Pastured poultry system

Pastured poultry system is where the chicken birds are kept in temporary housing and they are moved from one place to the next every after a few days.

Intensive system

This is normally used for large commercial local chicken rearing farms and it is where the birds are fully enclosed in a unit. In this system the birds are entirely dependent on the owner for food and water and although it is expensive to care for the birds, the production is high. Under the intensive system, there are three types of rearing chicken and these include:

The slatted floor system

Under this system, the chicken birds have zero or no contact with feces and they can easily move around and wooden or wire slates are used in this system.

Deep litter system

The deep litter system is where litters of straw, wood shavings and any other material available are used to cover the floor. The chicken birds are fully enclosed in this system and it is known to be the best system for farmers who are rearing local chicken for both the eggs and meat production.

Battery cage system

The battery cage system is best used for laying chicken birds. The birds are kept in their cages throughout the time of laying eggs. The initial capital for the battery cage system is high but in the end the productivity especially when you have a market for the eggs.

Semi intensive system

Semi intensive system is where the chicken birds are kept using both the intensive and extensive systems. This is where the bird species are restricted to specific areas in a shelter during the day and are provided with both food and water. And then at night, they get to sleep in different structures.

Feeding local chicken

When rearing indigenous chicken, many farmers who are doing on a small scale always let the chicken look for their own food in a free range system but if you are planning on rearing them for commercial purposes then you are going to need to add more supplementary foods like chicken leftovers, vegetables like sukuma, fruits and worms if possible. You need to also make sure that you provide the chickens with enough water and the chicken feeders should be cleaned and dry in order to avoid spread of diseases.

Starter feeds

These are given to chicks that have just hatched. They have high protein content and it helps in the proper development of the chicks.

Grower feeds

These are normally given to local chicken that is reared for the eggs. The birds are given the grower feed until they are 14 weeks and then the layer marsh is introduced to increase the protein content.

Housing for local chicken

When you decide to start rearing local chicken, you need to think about the housing for the chicken. The more comfortable your birds are, the more productive they become.

  • The house should have enough lighting since it affects the growth of the birds.

  • The chicken house should not be overcrowded in order to reduce spread of diseases

  • Make sure that the chicken house has limited access by a few people to minimize diseases.

  • The chicken house should be well ventilated so that the birds get clean fresh air.

  • The chicken house should be easy to clean.

What you should know about rearing local chicken

  • Provide food and water as much as possible.

  • Vaccinate the chicken against all the diseases especially the Newcastle disease, deworming, bronchitis and fowl typhoid.

  • Make sure the chicken do not have lice and mites

  • When buying local chicken go for those that are between 2 to 3 months.

chicken farm uganda

Local chicken for the meat

Almost the whole population in Uganda rears local chicken for sale that is their meat. Once the eggs hatch the chicks are raised till they are ready to be sold in the several markets across the country. The first step into rearing local chicken is the hatching process. After the hen has laid its eggs, you need to make a good selection of the eggs that will be hatched but as you make the selection, you should not be seen by the hen as it might not hatch them in the long run. Hatching can either be done using an incubator or the natural way of using the hen. Below is what you should know about the hatching process.

  • Egg selection, this is the first thing that is done after laying of eggs especially if you are using an incubator. Make sure that the eggs are comfortable for the chicken to sit on and they shouldn’t be too small or oval if they are being hatched by the hen.

While using an incubator, make sure that you use the eggs that were laid at least 14 days before and you should keep on turning them regularly so that there is proper production of the embryo.

  • The rooms that are to be used for hatching should be well ventilated and the humidity should be at least favorable. You need to keep on checking to make sure that the nest is clean and has no pests and the hen should have enough food and water during this period.

  • Once the hatching is done, you need to make sure that you vaccinate the chicks so that you avoid diseases like the Newcastle disease. The chicks are meant to be fed with soft food like crushed maize husks and they should have enough water.

Local chicken for the eggs

Local eggs currently have a high market demand since they are rare and although they are expensive, they are a good addition to everyone’s diet. Most Ugandans rear local chicken for their meat but for those that rarely buy local chicken for the eggs, below is what you should know before you venture out in this direction.

  • The eggs need to be kept in a cool dry place to avoid rotting and the pointed parts need to be placed while facing upwards.

  • The eggs should be collected on a daily basis especially in the morning.

Advantages of rearing local chicken

  • Local chicken can be reared from anywhere and need less supervision as compared to the exotic type.

  • They also have a high tolerance to diseases and all types of weather experienced within the country.

  • Feeding of the local chicken becomes easy since most of them are reared using the free range system.

  • The chicken droppings from the chicken are used for manure.

  • Both the chicken meat and eggs from the local breed have a high market across the country.

  • The initial startup capital for rearing local chicken is a bit on the low end.

Disadvantages of rearing local chicken

  • They are mostly kept for home consumption and not commercial purposes.

  • They have an extremely low growth rate which does not favor the chicken market in the country.

  • They provide less meat and their eggs are relatively small.

broiler chicken ugandaCategoriesPoultry

Broiler chicken farming in Uganda

Broiler farming in Uganda today is a very lucrative business because there is high demand for the broilers and because they take a short time before they reach maturity. Broilers are one of the best ways in which you can earn extra money besides your usual job and since the birds can easily be accessed at the different poultry shops across the country.

 broiler chicken uganda

Broiler farming is just a part of the poultry farming business but unlike poultry where the birds are raised for multiple purposes, broiler farming is where the birds are raised for the sole purpose of meat production. Raising broilers is a little bit easier as compared to the layers although they have their share of problems and this is where this article comes in to guide you through broiler farming in Uganda. If you are looking to start a broiler farm in Uganda below are some of the steps that you need to follow in order for you to have a successful broiler business in the country.

Challenges that are faced with rearing broilers include the following:

  • Raising broiler birds is extremely expensive and you will need to be well prepared especially when it comes to feeding and housing units.

  • The broilers can easily be attacked by diseases leading to loses

  • The demand for the broilers on the market is more compared to the birds in the country

Farmers are encouraged not to go into broiler farming if you do not have a ready market for the birds because if you keep the birds till they are mature and you do not have a ready market, this will cause the farmer huge losses due to the constant feeding and caring for the birds.

Get training

the first thing that you need to do is get proper training on how to take care of the broiler birds from professionals. Broiler farming is like walking on eggshells because the birds can easily die with a 90% percentage if they are attacked by any type of disease which is why you need to know how to care for them, how to vaccinate them in case there is no veterinary doctor and make sure that the training you get is hands on. This will help you deal with any crisis concerning broilers once you open up the farm.

Carry out enough research

the first thing that you are going to be told by farmers is that broiler business is extremely lucrative but this does not mean that you are to just jump into the business without first carrying out proper research. Find out how to rear the birds, the start-up capital needed, location of the business and the available market. Once you are through with your research, the next step is to plan on how you are going to run the business, the employees if any are needed, housing structure and the number of birds that you need for the start.

broiler chicken farming uganda

Choose the broiler breed

you will need to get the best broiler breed for your farm. You can either get one day broiler chicks or one week chicks depending on how your housing unit was constructed.

You need to create a feeding routine for the broilers depending on their age until they are ready for sale. For the first month, the chicks are fed on starter feeds and for the second month, you can start feeding them on finisher feeds. You should make sure that there is enough food for the broilers because they keep on eating all the time from morning till evening. Make sure that the chicken feeders are clean in order to avoid constant infections and alongside the feeds, make sure that you provide enough fresh and clean water for the birds throughout the day.

Cleaning of the feeders is extremely important in broiler farming and one of the best ways in which you can clean the feeders is by use of phenols and bleaching powder. It greatly helps the birds from contracting numerous bird diseases and if possible, you can call on a veterinary doctor to do a routine check on the chicks.

Proper management of the farm

after getting your farm ready, you will need to properly manage the farm in order for you to get profits from it. If you are planning on a large number of chicks, make sure that the poultry house has enough space and is well ventilated. The hired help should also be able to care for the broilers and keep on checking on your potential clients.

Even after checking out with your clients, you need to ardently advertise your business so that you get more clients. Broilers are always ready for sale so this means that you will need to at least sell almost all of them because the more time they spend on the farm the more money you spend on feeding and management.

There are so many places where you can sell your broilers and some of these include restaurants, hotels, individual households, bakeries and food processing companies. If you follow the above steps and improve your skills in poultry, you will reap big from broiler farming. Broilers can be bought starting from as low as shs12, 000 to shs 20,000 depending on the season.