
Goat Farming In Uganda

Goat farming is as profitable as cattle farming or piggery farming in Uganda if you take your time to carefully care for the goats from their infant stage to the selling stage. In order for your goat farming business to be a lucrative one, you will need to know the basics that come with goat rearing and these include the following.

In the past few years, there has been an increase in goat farming due to the increased market for both the meat and milk and it has been taken upon by both farmers doing large and small scale and every farmer has had benefits from rearing goats to earn a living. Although you should note that the following are not limited to what needs to be done for goat farming to be a success, it is a start to a profitable goat farming business.

goat keeping uganda

Goat breeds in Uganda

There are different breeds in the country and these depend on your purpose about why you are rearing goats that are either for milk or meat production. You can as well rear all the types of breeds for as long as you have enough space for them. The different types of goat breeds grow at different rates and they all need different care.

Before you get the best breed it is advisable that you first research about which breed is best before making that final decision. Talk to a vet about the care of each breed and find out which one you will be able to handle and the vet will help and guide you in case the goats contract diseases. As you get goats for your farm, make sure that you get healthy and strong breeds in order to have good yields on the market. The best place to get good goat breeds is from farmers who are already into goat farming and not livestock markets as you will get more knowledge about caring for the goats from fellow farmers.

goat rearing uganda

There are several breeds on the market however there are three main local breeds that are found on the Ugandan market and these include:

The East African goats

These are the most common goat species on the market and they are found almost everywhere across the country. They have a high maturity rate and although they are not so large, they are always ready for mating at six months and come in different colours. A mature East African breed weighs between 20 to 30kgs.

The kigezi breed

This is mainly found in the south western part of the country and weighs about 25 to 30kgs when mature. It has sparse long hair along its hind part and is relatively smaller than the Mubende breed. It is also best characterized by the grey and black fur.

The Mubende breed

The Mubende breed is characterized with its short hairs and glossy fur making its skin one of the most sought after in the country and it is one of the most common breeds on the Ugandan market. The female Mubende breed weighs between 25 to 30kgs and the male ones 30 to 35kgs when mature and they are commonly found in the central region. It is also the largest breed in the country and considered the best for goat rearing both for diary and meat production.

Breeding of goats can be in two ways: artificial and natural breeding. Artificial breeding is not as popular in Uganda as farmers normally go with the natural breeding way of breeding. A male goat (buck) can breed with over 25 female goats (does) and that is why you need to use bucks that are disease free.

goat farms uganda

Housing for the goats

You will need to have a good housing unit for the goats even though you are into the free range system. Make sure that the house is waterproof, not damp, is well ventilated and that it is spacious so that the goats are not overcrowded. An adult goat requires about 0.5 to 0.75 square meter space.

The sleeping space should be at least comfortable with soft bedding, a door to keep the goats safe from predators with proper ventilation. If you do not plan on using the free range system, then it is advisable that you divide the housing unit into two, that is one part can act as the feeding area whereas the other can act as the sleeping area.

Feeding the goats

Goat breeds feed according to their production, that is goats meant for meat and those meant for dairy production eat different things in order for them to produce what they are meant to do. Goats reared for meat production normally feed on complementary food besides the grass so that they can easily gain weight and grow fast. On the other hand, goats for milk production eat more green to increase the milk production.

Always vaccinate the goats on time in order to avoid the easy spread of diseases. It helps in curbing diseases like tetanus, pneumonia and PPR. Vaccination is done at different stages, for example the kids should be vaccinated at 5 to 6 months and vaccinated at 2 to 3 weeks before kidding.

Rearing goats for commercial purposes has its own benefits and these include a low start-up capital, there is a high demand for goats’ meat and milk, it is easy to feed and care for the goats and it is a source of income to the farmers.

The location of the farm: getting the right location for your goat farming is the first step. Goats can survive almost in all weather conditions but the best place should be well drained and in a warm setting. Although you do not need a large piece of land for goat rearing, you will need to give each of the goats’ space , especially if they are going to be roaming around freely while they look for food. Goats normally live in groups so in order to save up you won’t need to construct individual pens and this also helps in saving up space. The best location of goat farms is in areas that are far from town since it will be easy for you to get the grass and needed food supplements for the goats cheaply. You should also note that the freely moving goats are more resistant to diseases and infection and it is also cheaper to raise them. You need to make sure that the food for the goats is readily available and the rearing area with grass nearby.

Goat farming can be a rewarding career for those who are passionate about goat husbandry. It is not just what you know that makes you successful, but also where you learn your goat farming knowledge. With the right goat farming tips and goat raising skills under your belt, goat farming can become an incredibly profitable business endeavor.

With goat milk being on the rise as a popular dairy product among health-conscious consumers, goat milk production has seen some serious growth in recent years. Some of this has come at the expense of cow’s milk products like cheese and ice cream; however, goat dairy is more than just trendy. Goat milk is more easily digestible than any other mammal’s milk; it contains less lactose (the sugar present in milk) than cow’s milk and goat milk is naturally homogenized.

If goat farming is in your future, you can learn goat farming skills by attending goat farm schools or goat-keeping courses at local colleges. Short courses are also available that offer goat farming tips for beginners to get started quickly with their own herds. This hands-on training will prepare you for the real world of goat farming, even if it takes years before you start making a profit.

One advantage of starting up with goat farming herds in an area where there isn’t already a lot of competition in terms of goat farms is that you won’t face as much revenue competition when the time comes to sell your dairy products like yogurt, kefir and cheese. Goat farming is also a great opportunity for those with goat raising skills to become goat farmers in locations where the goat herds are already well established and growing rapidly.

If you’re looking into goat farming as an investment, keep goat farm school information at your fingertips, because you will want to be completely knowledgeable about goat breeds before making any decisions about where and how much money you want to invest in the future of your goat herds. Goat farms typically start out small and grow gradually as they generate more revenue from their dairy products; however, if goat farming tips don’t come naturally or easily to you, then this could be an impediment to your success as a goat farmer.

Things To Consider When Starting Goat Farming


The first and most critical factor is location. Generally, common goats thrive in warm, well-drained habitats.
Apart from temperature, there is a requirement for space. Because goats live in herds, individual enclosures are ineffective. If you want your animals to wander freely, you’ll need a vast field.

Goat Breeds In Uganda

When you begin raising goats, the next crucial consideration is the sort of goat breed you will choose. If you want a breed that gives you more milk, you may choose from those that also grow rapidly. Both sorts of breeds may be farmed, and both meat and milk can be harvested. Breeds range in the amount of care they demand as well.
Do your homework and get advice from a professional to assist you choose what is best for your farm.

How Much Space Or Land Do You Need?

Goats may be raised intensively on a short plot of land by supplementing their diet. If you’re utilizing a large-scale system, you’ll need anything from 2 to 10 goats per acre, depending on the availability of grass and bush. It is not uncommon for goats to feed from the top down, choosing among weeds, leaves, and grasses to satisfy their nutritional needs. By supporting the re-establishment of grassy species in marginal regions, they can provide low-cost environmental management.